- Bedminster Township School
- Sports Participation Forms
Health Office
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- Sports Participation Forms
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- Maschio's Food Allergy Paperwork
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- HPV Vaccine Information
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- COVID-19 Information & Resources
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Sports Participation Forms
Students in grades 6, 7 and 8 have the opportunity to participate in fall, winter and spring sports. The State of New Jersey issues specific requirements regarding physical exams and paperwork for students to be approved to participate in school sports. Detailed information about NEW requirements and links to forms can be found here.
- IMPORTANT: Old sports physical forms will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. All athletes must use the NEW forms to be approved for future sports seasons starting with Winter Basketball 2024.
- The only exceptions are athletes who have unexpired physicals (less than a year old) on the old forms ALREADY APPROVED by our school physician from a previous season. A Health History Update Questionnaire will still be required for subsequent seasons.
- The NEW Health History and Physical Form remain with you and your health provider. DO NOT TURN THESE INTO SCHOOL (unless required as a NEW STUDENT entrance physical)
- The NEW Medical Eligibility Form must be completed by your health provider and provided to the school nurse prior to the due date for each season. TURN THIS FORM INTO THE SCHOOL NURSE
- If an athlete's physical was conducted more than 90 days before the start of the sport, then the Health History Update Questionnaire must be completed by a parent and submitted to the nurse by the due date. TURN THIS FORM INTO THE SCHOOL NURSE
Athletes with medical conditions such as asthma and anaphylactic allergies must submit annual medication forms. Athletes with asthma should have permission to carry and self-administer their emergency inhalers. Coaches volunteer to be trained as epinephrine delegates and will administer epinephrine via autoinjector if anaphylaxis occurs.
MEDICAL ELIGIBILITY FORM & Health History Update Questionnaire DUE BY
Coed Soccer, Field Hockey
Friday, September 6, 2024
Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball
Monday, Nov. 4, 2024 SPRING
Softball, Lacrosse
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Required forms should be delivered to the Health Office or Front Office in an envelope marked “School Nurse/Sports.” Forms may also be emailed to the school nurse at dnazzaro@bedminsterschool.org
Athletic Pre-participation Physical Evaluation for Student-Athletes (PPE Forms)
The pre-participation physical evaluation must be conducted by a licensed physician, advanced practice nurse (APN), or physician assistant (PA), within 365 days prior to the first official practice in an athletic season (N.J.S.A. 18A:40-41.7 and N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.2(h)). The health provider who conducts the exam must also have completed a Cardiac Assessment Module as per the state of New Jersey. These forms will be kept by the health provider or parent/guardian and do not need to be turned in to the school.
- PPE Health History Form (English or En Espanol)
- PPE Physical Examination Form (English)
NOTE: Athletes with Disabilities should also complete this Supplement to the Athlete History
Medical Eligibilty Form
This form must be completed by the health provider who conducted the physical examination and is turned in to the school nurse in order for a student to be approved for participation in school athletics.
Health History Update Questionnaire (HHQ Form)
Students whose pre-participation physical evaluation (PPE) was completed more than 90 days prior to the first official practice in an athletic season must submit a health history update questionnaire to the school nurse.
1) HHQ Form (English or En Espanol)
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: Parents of student-athletes must register on Genesis and indicate annually ONLINE they have read and understand the following information:
- Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet
- Concussion Fact Sheet and Acknowledgement Form
- Sports-Related Eye Injury Fact Sheet
- Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes Brochure
- Middle School Athletic Pledge
- Consent for Sports Participation
- IMPORTANT: Old sports physical forms will NO LONGER BE ACCEPTED. All athletes must use the NEW forms to be approved for future sports seasons starting with Winter Basketball 2024.